Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day, 2013

Many years ago on this date, we had all practiced our roles and I can still remember how the day felt as all the girls in their pretty dresses danced around the May Pole, weaving their ribbons in and out in a grammar school rendition of frolicking Pagans. The May Day king and queen sat on their thrones, nestled into the green lawn that separated rows of classrooms. The first and second year band students played a simple melody, the teachers stood outside the circle with parents who could make it to the school for the celebration and the day was as innocent as any good Spring day.
Now, in the 21st Century, the idea of allowing children to dance a Pagan fertility rite would be cause for church boycotts and probably an appearance of the SWAT team. We've come a long way, baby.


  1. Growing up very Catholic, we had our own take on May Day, involving a procession with a statue of Mary and crowning 'her' as Queen--the Church co-opting yet another old pagan holiday.

    I don't know if they do that sort of thing much anymore. Not around here, anyway, but with a large Latino population we get something quite similar on the Quadalupe feast day.

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